Lilly Goes Father’s Day Shopping

Who said dogs can’t go in stores? When you have a human mom like I do, you get to do a lot of different things that other dogs don’t get to do. For example, go shopping at Dick’s Sporting Goods, where only service dogs are allowed to go.… don’t get your panties all in a stink because dogs shouldn’t be in stores. 1.) I’m one hell of a good pup! 2.) My mom has connections at the store, so that’s why I was allowed in. 3.) I was in a cart!!! Where do you think I was going to go from there. Anyways let’s talk about my shopping trip.

My mommy told me we needed to get daddy something special for Father’s Day. He wanted a yeti koozie, so we trotted off to Dick’s Sporting Goods. When we got there, mom realized how tiny the carts were. I was a little big, but she throw a blanket down so I would be comfy and luckily she ran into a friend that held the cart while she put me in. Now, keep in mind a 60lb pup isn’t very easy to get into a cart, but mom sure did get me in!

She drove me around the store and we chatted with her friend who works in the back office for a good while. He was impressed with how well behaved I was! After our chat, we got what we need and a new pair of Adidas shorts for dad too!

As we were walking up front, I was bombarded with people coming up to me. I had 5, yes 5 people petting me and trying to hug me! I didn’t mind, but come on can’t people let a dog breath! You can pet me a couple times, but then move on and don’t attempt to hug and kiss me. Gross!! I don’t know where you’ve been. I only like hugs and kisses from my family. My mom wasn’t too happy either, but she felt bad telling the people to back off.

Anyways, all in all it was a great trip! Especially because I was able to be a part of picking out daddy’s Father’s Day presents.

Until next time!!





Lilly Makes a Splash

Over Memorial Day weekend, my humans took me to Ohioplye for the day! We walked the streets through the river town and a little of the trail. I haven’t been up there much since last year, so now that I am a little older and wiser, I looked at things differently. For example, there is bridge that connects the trails to the town. Last year, I hated crossing over the long bridge that seemed to take a life time to get across, but this year, there was no need to worry!!! I was crossing that bridge without hesitation.

I also enjoyed my time splashing in the river! I was way more daring this year than I was last year. I went all the way up to the water touched my belly!!!! I just can’t swim for some reason. They say it comes naturally for dogs, but for me, I just can’t seem to do it! My mom tried to show me how to doggy paddle, but I rather run in and out and only go up to my belly! I don’t know if I will ever get use to doggy paddling. I do have the entire summer to try, so I will!!!!

After all the fun activities, for the day, we always end up at Fall City Pub! My humans say they have great food with amazing beer. I love hanging outside with all the other humans and doggies! It is a great way to end an ever better day!

Lilly Goes to Dinner

Hi Everyone! Sorry its been a while. We have been a little busy at my house lately, so lets back track a little here.

Two weeks ago my humans took me to dinner at Little E’s Pizzeria, which is a close walk from our house. We sat outside eating pizza and bread sticks…I should really say my humans, not me! There weren’t many people there yet, so I only had the workers to come up and give me attention.

The owner of the place was actually afraid of me at first because she doesn’t like Pitbulls, but once she approached me she realized I am just as loving and kind as any other dog. I try to give a great impression of Pitbulls so they can stop being treated so poorly.

Throughout the summer, we will go there to eat since it is one of the very few places in Greensburg that allows dogs on their outdoor patios. Hopefully, places in Greensburg and the surrounding area will change and allow us to eat along side our humans. I sure do love going to eat with my humans.



Lilly Gets New Living Room Furniture

I thought it was going to be hard to deal with change, but I make myself comfortable when needed! My humans left on Saturday and came back with a new couch and then on Sunday they left again and brought back a new chair for the living room!!! What!!! I had such a comfy couch before that was big and I could play all over it…Sometimes I would eat it…My humans weren’t to happy with me!

Well…I guess they figured now that I’m a year and a half old it was time for an upgrade and they could trust me with some new furniture. I’ve sniffed I’ve jumped from the couch to the chair and I have discovered it isn’t so bad.

We have french doors in our living room that lead out to a balcony. Before, my humans had to move the couch out of the way to let me go out there. Now they don’t have to!!! I am out there in the morning, afternoon and at night!!! It is so much fun see what is happening out in the town. I watch the birds, squirrels and bunnies. When I see other humans approaching I bark to let my humans know there are intruders in the area!

I might have lost what I thought was the best couch ever, but I gained so much more…I gained room for activities!…(Step Brothers anyone??? It was just on so I watched it.)



Lilly Explores New Land

This past Sunday, my humans took me to the land of the future where I got to run jump and splash in the water! There is a creek and an old pond that sits on the land.  It was the perfect day to splash around in the water to cool off.  I just couldn’t contain my excitement.  There is nothing more exciting than the smell of country air. My humans were talking about some day living there.  I couldn’t imagine what it would be like for me to have a creek, pond and woods to play in! I sure do hope it happens.  I think I would be the happiest dog in the world.  I just love to have fun outside.  Stay tuned to see what happens with the land!




Lilly Goes to Her Grandparents

Last weekend my humans went to Annapolis, MD, but I didn’t get to go. Instead, I went to my grandparents for the weekend!! I have so much fun when I am there.  I run from the front door to the back door watching animals and little humans playing in their yards.  I get to stay up late with my pappy watching TV.  We stayed up to almost 2:00 a.m.! When I am home bedtime can be anywhere from 9:30-10:30…I guess my humans are boring when it comes to that! Anyways the weekend went by so fast.  Before I knew it my humans were home! They didn’t come home empty handed either! They found a doggy store in downtown historic Annapolis and brought me back a toy and two things to eat.  I love getting presents, but not as much as I love having my humans home! On Sunday night we just hung out and cuddled on the couch.  I just love getting hugs and kisses from them.  I love going to my grandparents, but I sure do love whenmommy and daddy come home!

Until my next trip.




Lilly the Watch Dog

Since the weather is finally warming up here in Southwestern, PA, my humans open up the french doors in our living room that lead out to a balcony in the front of our house.  This is one of my favorite Spring things to do before the bugs come out.  Once the bugs emerge, my humans don’t open the doors as much to keep the bugs out!

Anyways….I will spend days and nights out here.  I was out there last night till bed time and I was out there bright and early this morning to watch the sun come up.

I love seeing the people out and about in the neighborhood.  I will bark just to say hello! Except for last night…There was a SCARY kitty…I was growling and telling the kitty to leave my sidewalk.  For some reason I am very scared of kitties.  I don’t mind the squirrels that climbing the tree next to the balcony.  I wish I could be cool like him and climb up there with him, but sadly I can’t.  I don’t even mind the bunnies I see hopping around our yard, but there is something about kitties that CREEP ME OUT!!

If you live in the neighborhood don’t be afraid of me! I am just enjoying the nice weather just like you.  I will bark, but remember it’s just to say hello! So come on by..I love seeing everyone! I also am protecting everyone on the street from stranger danger.  I know what goes on and if I see something I don’t think is right I will let you know!

Until next time!



Lilly Got a Visit from the Easter Bunny

I woke up on Sunday to a nice surprise! The bunny brought me a basket filled with goodies.  I received a new collar with matching leash and an easy walk harness from my favorite company Zee.Dog.  I also got a banana toy from Zee.Dog, but sadly that only lasted a couple of days because I loved it so I much kept chewing it apart and my humans didn’t think it was good for me to have anymore.

I also got a cupcake and cookies from a local dog bakery called Canine Confections.  I love love love the cookies!!!!!!  The cupcake was okay, but the icing was not my cup of tea.  Daddy took the icing off though so I could gobble the rest of the cupcake up!  It was yummy!!!!

On Tuesday, we finally had a short break in the weather where I got to sport all my new fashion items from Zee.Dog.  I must say I looked pretty cute and cool on my walk with my mommy!  If you haven’t checked out Zee.Dog, then you are missing out! I love everything I get from there and of course I love the Easter Bunny for bringing it to me!!!

Lilly Gets a New Diet

On the Monday, my humans received word that Acana dog food, which I was eating was poisoning me with mercury, lead, arsenic and some other horrible stuff! I don’t understand how companies can live with their selves for killing me slowly.  I may be just a dog to some people, but to my humans I am their child and I deserve nothing but the best…anyways for the past year my humans thought they were giving me one of the best foods out there for me, but sadly they were wrong! They said enough is enough…So now, I’m on a new diet!!! A home cooked diet that is! For those of you who know my mom, she hates to cook. She tries to get out of it all the time when it comes to her and my dad eating, but for me she will do anything! Last night dad even said to her you care more about what Lilly eats then she does for them…They both laughed and it’s true because they have to take extra special care of me, because I am not able to care for myself.

I am now two days into my new food and I am loving it!  My humans already see a difference in me. I can’t wait to eat my bigger meals of breakfast and dinner and my snack at lunch. I have more energy and my coat is shiny and soft. I feel better too!!

To start me off for this week, I get turkey, blueberries, brown rice and carrots for breakfast.  Lunch, I am eating either an apple or banana with plain Greek yogurt and  for dinner I have been enjoying salmon with blueberries, brown rice and carrots. Next, my meals will be different.  On Sundays, my mom will meal prep for me so I always have something delicious and different to eat.  She bought a cook book for me from our vet! O the recipes they have in there..I can’t wait to eat all of them up!

I am one lucky pup for my humans to take such great care of me! It’s a shame that dog food companies don’t take pride in their product and are basically killing us.  We didn’t ask to be feed these horrible products. I am glad that my humans are my humans.  I wish every pup was as lucky as I am.  Maybe you humans out there will take the time to research what is in your pups food??? Until next time!!! 🙂

Lilly’s Wish Came True

Last week I wished for warmer weather.  All I wanted to do is get outside and play.  I had the case of the winter blues for sure! Well, my wish came true.

Who would have thought it would hit almost 80 degrees here in Pittsburgh, PA! Not only did it do that, but my daddy used up some of those vacation days and spent the days with me playing in the beautiful outdoors!!!

We spent the one morning hiking up Ohiopyle. It was a great daddy daughter day!!! Since we have had so much snow and rain, the river was moving so fast.  I was careful not to get to close! I looked from the rocks and beyond.

I was so pooped from our morning adventures, I couldn’t wait till I got home to climb on the couch and sleep, but we didn’t go home…Nope! We went and visited mommy for lunch at her work! It was great to see where she is all day when I’m at home.  We went to a BBQ place down the road named JB’s and the owner said hello to me, so of course I said hello back!

By the time we left mommy’s work I was sleeping in the back seat of daddy’s truck.  I haven’t had this much fun since probably October! I sure am glad the weather is finally breaking here in Southwestern PA.  Now lets get through March so warm sunny weather will officially be here!